Collaboration Shows outline - please read carefully before submitting

Artists for Painted Dogs Collaboration Shows outline


Artists must organise their collaboration partners between themselves before applying. The shows will run for a week each, with 2/3 days preview beforehand, online on the AFPD website and through our social media channels.  All work must be for sale and with a donation of 30% minimum.  We have a worldwide audience, so please be prepared to ship work overseas – all shipping costs are to be arranged separately between the artist and the buyer.

The dates for these shows are TBC (exact dates can be slightly shifted within the months if necessary subject to the AFPD calendar), however as a rough guide we have extremely limited spaces available for:

End May - End June - End Aug - End Sept - End Nov (please remember that shipping starts to get busy at the end of the year!)

AFPD will try to accommodate successful applicants to the dates they prefer. However, this is not guaranteed due to the limited spaces.  Please be as flexible as you can with this.

Putting together a submission idea

We are looking for two artists who compliment one another in style and medium and whom would promote, post and share their work for the duration of their show.

You will need to come up with a theme for your show – something unique and relating well to your chosen charity.  Think as originally as you can - 'Underwater Heros' or 'Up close with big cats' etc, or challenge each other to do 2hr paintings/sketches – entirely up to you.

Artists will have the choice of which wildlife charity they’d like to support, any UK/Worldwide that is wildlife based.

Artists will need to fill in the short submission form outlining your idea/preferred dates/donation amount and include both artists websites/social media handles for the AFPD team to look at.

*There is no guarantee of securing a slot as due to the limited number of spaces available, we will be choosing suitable artists based on having as wide a spectrum of styles, mediums and subjects throughout the year for these collaborations. We will however have a ‘waiting list’ of unsuccessful submissions should any successful applicants not be able to do their show for any reason.

Submission forms must be in by March 24th

What will AFPD need from artists for their collaboration show if accepted?

We will let you know in the week after the submission deadline as to whether you have been successful. 

For your show we will need:

Suggested 5/6 original pieces priced at £130 minimum (to allow for EU buyers to purchase as we do not have VAT/IOSS set up on our site) each that will be for sale through AFPD and your own channels (preferably NOT framed as these are easier to ship). There are no limits on size etc, original printmaking and sculpture is more than welcome.

Good quality images of each artists work at least a week before your show previews with the title, size, medium and price.

Good selection of information on your chosen charity and any ongoing projects you like to highlight so AFPD can write social media posts and to put on the website.

Artists Show Graphic Banner for FB

Artists Show Graphic Banner for the website

AFPD will provide you with template sizes so you can easily put something together in Canva etc.

Show Opening Instagram image ie the square image you'd like AFPD to use on social media when the show opens - best to use something similar to the banners to keep it cohesive.

From your chosen charity:

Permission to use their logo and logo image

Website links

Permissive photos from the charity and accreditation where needed

Contact name for charity (so they can approve the AFPD website information about them)

You will probably know your chosen charity better than AFPD and may have some of this to hand already  AFPD obviously will write/do images for our social media posts etc from your given information, that is no problem at all, but it does make life so much easier for us to have all of the information needed for that beforehand.