Cherry Ferris - Morris & the Badger

Inks, charcoal & acrylics with Mixed Media
Bockingford NOT 200lb
56cm x 38cm

Badger & Morris’s Wainscot - Morris’s wainscot (Photedes morrisii). Vulnerable and Nationally Rare.

Rare internationally, in the British Isles this moth is known only from a short stretch of coast
running from south-east Devon into West Dorset. It is restricted to the Undercliffs between
Axmouth (Haven Cliff) and a few kilometres east of Charmouth. Occurring on grassy coastal slopes and cliffs, the caterpillars feed on Tall Fescu Schedonorus arundinaceus(Atlas of Britain and Ireland’s larger moths 2020).
Please note - This original will be shipped from the UK by Cherry, purchaser to pay the postage/packing direct to the artist (at cost), please see HERE for details.

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