Cherry Ferris - Hawk & The Hare

Inks, charcoal & acrylics with Mixed Media
Bockingford NOT 200lb
56cm x 38cm

Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-moth (Hemaris tityus)and the brown hare.

Nationally Scarce, Devon is a UK stronghold for this rapidly declining species: In Devon it now occurs almost exclusively on a small number of pastures on Dartmoor and grasslands in north-west Devon. A remarkable bumblebee mimic, this attractive moth occupies wet grasslands and fen meadows where the caterpillars feed on Devils-bit Scabious Succisa pratensis. Butterfly Conservation, together with the Devon Moth Group, continue to support training for advisors and land managers on the ecology of the moth and its conservation requirements.
Brown hares have also become a UK priority species under the UK Post 2010 biodiversity framework due to significant falling numbers.

Please note - This original will be shipped from the UK by Cherry, purchaser to pay the postage/packing direct to the artist (at cost), please see HERE for details.

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